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During 2020 pandemic young people were committing suicide, so I wanted to write an inspiring tale

Some glimpses of ENW's conversation with author Captain M.S. Chadha after the recent launch of his book “NOOR-In quest of her soul”

Captain M.S. Chadha with his latest book 'NOOR - In quest of her soul'

Book Synopsis: A Heart rendering story of Noor, a singer which transcends borders and goes through pain, Unfairness, deceit, heartbreak, separation, depression, loneliness, gloom, resurgence, glory & hope. There are good parents, bad parents, music, fans, drugs & Glory. There are many who must have marched through contrasting parades of emotion, but this is one unique story that spans across borders of countries to depict the similarity of the human race though we may differ in outward dispositions.

AUTHOR’S BIO: Captain M.S. Chadha is a veteran of the Merchant Navy. After clearing his Master Mariners license from Liverpool in 2001, he commanded many large tankers and sailed around the world. Now he is an author, a serial entrepreneur and a motivation coach. He loves travelling, gardening, photography and biking in his spare time. He is a spiritual seeker. He lives in New Delhi with his wife Randeep and is blessed with two kids Gurjas & Ishween. He loves spoiling his puppy BUCKY.

ENW: Who and what inspired you to write?

I grew up reading Enid Blyton, Hardy Boys, Treasure Island & Three Musketeers, among other books during my school days. Many of these would be read well into the night and completed in a single sitting (Even after ‘Lights Out’). Being an Army brat, I have always been fascinated by the armed forces hence started with a military thriller .

ENW: What challenges did you face while writing and getting published?

I have been writing stories for almost a decade & my 1st book was a “Military thriller”,( still to be completed) which was ahead of its time. As time passed, I wrote across various ‘Genres’. There were Anthologies, a Military thriller, a Non- Fiction series of Inspiring Tales, a book on sports & Spirituality. A publisher developed cold feet when I wanted to publish the military thriller in 2015 & that kind off, put everything on the back burner. A series of Unfinished books. Then “Noor” happened. Since I had taken so long to complete it, I decided to self-publish it. Amazon had issues with ‘Noor’, as that’s a popular title. Finally with many a mail exchange all was sorted & Noor got published.

ENW: Tell us about your latest book - Noor.

A labour of love that took over two years to write. The idea was born in Mid 2020 when I was stuck on a ship during the Covid19 pandemic & heard many stories of young actors & musicians committing suicide. I wanted to write an inspiring tale. I started researching about the Indian music industry while on the ship. Once I came home, I chanced upon seeing an episode of “India’s got talent” and realized some of the best singers of India were from rural India & had almost no classical training & that connected a lot of dots. It’s a story of Todays modern working woman who succeeds despite all odds, across the globe. It will resonate with many readers.

A Girl who faces many a challenge while growing up, yet succeeds in all aspects of her Life. Life that really pushes her to the ground & when there is no hope she rises like a “Phoenix”. Noor has been written on the high seas, in various countries & at home in Delhi. It captures the Indian Music Industry in the last decade with its nuances. ‘Wazir’ has a very powerful role in the story.

ENW: What are you reading right now? Are there any authors (living or dead) that you would name as influences?

“Man’s search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl & “Deep Work” by Carl Newport.

My Fav authors are Jeffery Archer, Wilbur Smith, Dr. Wayne Dyer & Fredrick Forsyth.

ENW: How do you see literary success for yourself?

I love writing & want to share my passion & stories with the world. Many a year passed, deciding what “Genre” I wanted to specialize in. Now I will be sharing my gift across Genres with all. Even if each book inspires & brings a smile to one reader in any country, I will be successful. Every writer wants to pen a bestseller, I am no exception. ENW: Are you already writing your Next? Can you tell us something about that?

Yes, the next book is a Non-Fiction Anthology. In 2019, I chanced upon an article where a PHD student committed suicide & almost immediately, I read a news item, where a mountaineer on a journey for setting a world record, almost gave up that Goal to save a fellow mountaineers life. Quick research, showed me that our IIT’s have the highest suicide rate among students. The next book is a non-fiction anthology of Inspiring tales from across the world to tell the youth, Goals are NOT everything. There is more to a pressure cooker life of studies and targets. There are unbelievable stories, yet all true, of people to who lived, died, those who overcame all odds to succeed and those who realized there is more to life, than the rat race and gave it their all. Interesting people there… from soldiers to monks, mountaineer’s & rock star’s. I hope it will change how readers are looking at their lives & inspire them to live more fully & selflessly. It will be a series .

ENW: What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

Getting started is one. Keeping at it till its completed .Then editing-that’s something else

ENW: Name 3 books that you would recommend to today's young readers?

The Subtle art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Mason

The One Thing by Gary Keller

Tomb of God by Victor Ghoshe

ENW: Is there anything that you want your readers to know?

Despite Innumerable odds, one can still succeed in life. Noor is a testimony to that! When things seem to be spiraling down, hold on. There will be sunshine after the darkness. Discover & live your Life’s purpose. Never ever give up. Lot of research went into this book, while it’s a work of fiction you will connect with all that’s happening.

ENW: Any message or suggestions for aspiring authors?

Start putting pen to paper or start hitting away on those keys. Write. Write. write. You need to start. Like Stephen King says, “Even the Great wall of China, started with one brick”!

The views presented in this article are author's personal. The article is written as per the author's Interview with ENW. Edited as per ENW editing guidelines. Image : ENW

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