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Author Udayan Dasgupta discusses his Alt Sci Fi series that starts with 'The Gods of Bhu'. He also reveals his interests, personal writing habits and choices of books.

How would you describe your writing to someone who has not read any of your work?

I am a story-teller. Language notwithstanding, my forte has always been the story line and I would like that the reader experiences the journey and appreciates its scale. I call my writing as Alt Sci Fi because I do not want the reader to go through the usual Sci Fi jargon which might seem to be too self-indulgent and becomes a limiting factor for a larger audience. I want to break that niche barrier so that all readers can have a go at the book and the genre. I write in a typical troubadour fashion so that the reader is left comfortable with the narrative.

Tell us about Gods of Bhu and your next book

The Gods of Bhu is the 1st part of a Series which I call The Bhu Chronicles. The Gods of Bhu is an extraordinary saga spanning time, space, and consciousness. The narrative rests on the plinth that Consciousness is timeless and thus undefined….It is an all-encasing shell, which spreads across different paradigms of the material universes to give it a vibrant texture. The book explores the folds of three different universes whose focal point is Bhu. The reader savours the varied and connected texture of consciousness through characters that exist in these three realms but are inexorably linked to each other unknowingly. The Journey of the protagonist Rodn’s universe in search of Bhu and Yamadhir’s search for a solution to preserve the glory of Bhu after a terrifying force destroys Bhu gives the saga a tremendous scale. In the middle of these two narratives, there is Theo from present day Earth who is trying desperately to figure out the enigma of his father’s research into the origins of mankind which seems to be a controlled experiment being manipulated for an unknown future purpose which may well have been from beyond time. Between the three, the presence of Earth in this saga is the mystery.

The next book/s of this series will try to bridge the gaps between the universes and their protagonists and try to establish the links that exist between them. I started on this book so that I can draw from it and write a number of other novels which can fill in many stories that are mentioned in it. So, it is going to be an ongoing process for me.

I have always wanted to write stories for children. I am amazed at the way authors like Roald Dahl, JK Rowling and numerous others can spin a tale of absolute wonderment which appeals to not only children but adults too. The sheer imagination is so enriching. At present though my focus is on the sequel of Gods of Bhu, I am also toying with the idea of writing an Alt Sci Fi series for children, perhaps in the graphic novel space.

It would be great to lead children towards the imaginary world of extreme science and the vision of perhaps a future which they can aspire for.

Tell us about your interests and why did you pick sci-fi as your field of work?

I have always been interested about science fiction and fantasy writing. Childhood saw me mesmerized by the world of Jules Verne and HG Wells. I soon graduated to the The Big Three – namely Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov and Arthur C Clark and chanced upon the worlds of Ray Bradbury and Frank Herbert. In fact I was amazed at the grandeur of JRR Tolkien’s world of Magic, Fantasy and Lore. Gene Roddenberry’s seminal work through Star Trek always fills me with wonder.

Though I was an avid reader of every genre, Sci Fi always pulled at me since I have always believed that the future of mankind is in its own hand and its destiny was never the Earth but always among the Stars.

Tell us about your writing routine.

I do not have any routine. I write whenever I feel that I have a good idea or thought and I can put a pen to it in a constructive manner.

Name 3 books that you would recommend to today's young readers?

Besides being always in awe of J Verne and HG Wells, I would recommend the following:

  1. The Galactic Empire and Robot Series by Asimov

  2. The Space Odyssey and the Rama series by Arthur C Clarke

  3. The Ringworld series of Larry Niven

What are you reading right now? Are there any authors (living or dead) that you would name as influences? I am reading a short story compilation of American Science Fiction writers.

Isaac Asimov has been my greatest influence and inspiration in science fiction writing, though I do employ a very different method to my narrative. What was the book that most influenced your life — and why? I read everything. So quite a few books across genres had lasting impressions. Where life is concerned, it’s in itself a book being written continuously. What can be more exciting than that…! What would be your suggestions (on writing) to the aspiring young writers ? Give your imagination a free rein and let the ideas flow. Keep your writing succinct but bring out the romanticism in your expression so that the reader not only enjoys the story but also relishes the taste of good language.

Do not be shy about marketing your work and spreading the word.

Give us three "Good to Know" facts about you. I like reliving my school days, especially the naughty ones. I sometimes wonder at the courage and the chutzpah and of course there are those times I would not want to look at the mirror. I have to confess that I do enjoy being naughty sometimes even today..

I like building things. I vividly remember building a hovercraft which did float to the chagrin of my new school teachers. I guess I like playing the underdog. It challenges but thrills me.

Music is my other passion. I picked the guitar late but ended up in a rock n roll band soon after. To this day I am a rock n roller and hope to remain so till my dying day.. What else do you want your readers to know? I love debate and discourse but at a mature level. I am extremely wary of people acting confident because the people who are censor themselves through self-doubt. I dislike negative thought process as it stymies you and being in a limbo is something everybody abhors.

I have myriad interests. In fact, I seem to be interested in everything. Nothing usually bores me except perhaps a drunk or a politician.

I usually like to relax or unwind over a book or a good movie. But my elixir is music. It’s when I am playing music or when I am engaged in some creative task like making a model for my daughter that I feel completely relaxed.

Author Interview: Staff Reporter EntertainmentNewsWorld

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